January 09, 2025



法式瀏海與空氣瀏海的差別在於髮量與風格. 法式瀏海髮量稍多,帶有自然厚度與隨性垂落於臉頰兩側的弧度,展現慵懶優雅的氛圍,空氣瀏海則髮量輕透,額頭若隱若現,營造出清新甜美的感覺,更偏向韓系風格.Mioggi 皮膚鬆弛


Z 音波的治療效果通常在一次療程後就能看見明顯改善,效果約可維持12-18 個月,所以可以1-1.5 年打一次Z 音波. 但如果肌膚鬆弛較為嚴重或希望達到更顯著的效果,可考慮每6-12 個月進行一次維護療程,以持續刺激膠原蛋白生成,保持肌膚緊緻度與年輕感.

Can I use retinol after pico laser?

Vitamin A or retinol products must be discontinued for a minimum of 3-5 days prior to facial laser treatments and 3-5 days after treatment. grade skin care can create an overall healthier canvas for us to treat and give you a better outcome. Heat from certain treatments may trigger cold sores.


乾燥程度嚴重,例如皮膚脫屑,粗糙甚至已經發炎,表示水分喪失嚴重. 這時建議可以使用凡士林鎖住水分,若不想那麼油膩,也可以將乳液和凡士林混合使用.Mioggi 皮秒

What does bad tear trough filler look like?

Discolouration under the eyes after filler

Discolouration can occur where filler is injected under the skin only superficially. This is also known as the [Tyndall effect" and can result in a green/blue discolouration that may become more noticeable in daylight. Some patients describe this as tear trough bruising.

Will my smile lines go away if I lose weight?

Fluctuations in weight can also play a role. Significant weight loss might leave an individual with sagging skin, while weight gain could lead to fuller cheeks. Both scenarios can further highlight the presence of smile lines.


睡眠時皮膚的血流量會增加,所以正常睡飽起床後,人會顯得容光煥發,相反地,睡眠不足則會臉色黯淡,無精打采,布勞斯博士提到,睡眠不足會讓臉部血液循環變慢,唯有睡眠充足才有辦法天然的讓臉色紅潤.Mioggi thermage 效果


缺乏维生素B5,可能会引起消化功能障碍,疲劳,软弱,运动功能失调等, 体内维生素B6不足,影响神经镇定,从而易引起焦躁失眠, 维生素B7和维生素B9缺乏,不仅引起疲乏无力,还会导致食欲下降, 缺乏维生素B12,容易引起巨幼红细胞贫血,神经系统损害等问题.

肝斑 皮秒 多久打一次?

建議首次接觸皮秒雷射,可先與醫師討論規劃,先安排頻率1.5-2 個月一次密集施打,待膚況達到期待效果後,轉為3-6 月一次的定期保養. 而由於每個人的膚況不同,期待改善的目標也不同(色素斑,刺青,痤瘡疤痕等),術後照護程度等眾多因素有差異,實際療程間隔與安排還須由醫師評估判斷.



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